Just Because Visits

I took a road trip yesterday to see my baby girl. A few of you have mentioned to me that it was a long trip for just a few hours with her. I agree, but it was so worth it. My visit yesterday had no agenda; there was no major purpose for it. It was simply to soak up a piece of my heart that walks this earth as Devon.

I was thinking this morning about this visit and about the parental desire to just be with our growing kids. I was thinking about the “just because phone calls” like the one I received from Reilly yesterday. I was thinking that as parents we pick up every phone call and answer every text when we are needed or something is needed from us. Maybe it’s a flat tire or an apartment deposit or advice on how to kick a cold…we answer and we are happy to help.

In much the same way, I thought about my relationship with God today. Don’t laugh but I imagined for a minute that we could text God. And then I caught myself because that’s essentially what I do most of the time. I say a quick prayer when I think of a friend’s need; I say a prayer of thanks before I fall asleep at night. How far do I get before sleep finds me? Not far enough. Those quick prayers could easily be text messages where I convey that I need something. Until there are times when something is out of my control and I need an intervention. Suddenly, I am a much better communicator and my prayers are longer. God, can you help? Much like the phone call from the sick kid or the one with the flat tire, I say…I am sorry that I haven’t been in touch on the regular. Yes, I saw your text message last week asking me to spend time with you. I am sorry I didn’t respond, but I need you now.

So on this Sunday evening, I am grateful for my visit with my girl that was “just because.” I am hoping to remember this week how good that felt to me to have her undivided attention in her busy life. I hope that inspires me to do the same with God.


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